Trump: Keep Your Word and Veto Anything That Cuts Medicaid, Medicare or Social Security

Republican-controlled Congress is trying to find a way to repeal Obamacare and in the process potentially gut Medicaid, Medicare and Social Security. That is something President-Elect Donald Trump promised not to do and Senator Bernie Sanders reminded him of it with a giant printed out tweet written by Trump himself.

Trump must keep his word and veto any proposal from the Republicans that would cut funding of Medicaid, Medicare or Social Security.

This is the first of many times where Donald Trump will have to decide whether to fulfill his campaign promises or not. Please sign the petition to ask Donald Trump to keep his word this time and protect those programs.

After his bold visual display, Senator Sanders went on to say:

"Millions of people voted for him on the belief that he would keep his word. If he was sincere, then I would hope that tomorrow or maybe today he could send out a tweet to tell his Republican colleagues to stop wasting their time…and to tell the American people that he will veto any proposal that cuts Medicare, that cuts Medicaid, that cuts Social Security."

Millions of people will suffer if we don't hold Donald Trump to his word on this topic. Please sign to tell the President you expect him to veto anything of this kind.



Update #17 jaar geleden
Trump promised to "save" Medicare and Medicaid on the campaign trail. Now, he's proposing to cut more than $800 billion over the next decade. That could end health care for about 10 million people.
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