Bring Irish Greyhound Racing Welfare Regulations in line with the UK & improve UK welfare regulations

  • van: Raven De Bonaire
  • ontvanger: Greyhound Racing Industry, UK & Irish Governments

There are major concerns about animal welfare issues relating to the Racing Greyhound Industry. APGAW, RSPCA and other Animal Welfare agencies in the UK, Ireland, & other Countries,would like to see major changes in the welfare, treatment and kennelling of all Greyhounds & for all independent and private tracks, to abide by these set Welfare rules and regulations whether in the UK, Ireland or other Countries. In other words Global regulations for the welfare & protection of all racing Greyhounds

At least 20 greyhounds a day, either puppies, which do not make the track because of lack of “Prey drive”, or 'retired' dogs, aged between 18 months to 3-4 years, simply 'disappear' according to “records”.  All dogs should be identifiable by the tattoos & registry Records. When they are tattooed the dogs are often roughly handled & dragged around by their ears with pincers. 

Many Greyhounds are later discovered dumped, either in mass graves or at solitary isolated areas. Most are found with their ears hacked off, so that no owner/track can be held accountable. Many are not “cleanly killed” but left to suffer in agony. Dogs are sometimes destroyed, due to injury, even for as little as a broken toe. As the owners don't want a dog that costs them money! All dogs are killed as cheaply as possible often with a captive bolt gun which in itself is a cruel and unreliable way to dispatch an animal.

Dogs are generally kennelled, constantly muzzled, for 23-24 hours a day for their entire racing life . There are usually at least two dogs per small kennel, sharing one bed (with straw if they are lucky). The kennels are overcrowded, not properly, ventilated or maintained and badly cramped.

The Dogs are half starved or given very poor diets, because of the unrealistic racing weight regulations. They have to eat (muzzled), sleep & defecate in these unhygienic small areas.

When travelling to race meetings, this can involve very long trips in cages so small that the dogs cannot properly stand up or lie down. With no food or water

Most of the Greyhounds supplied for the racing industry, in the UK, come from Ireland where they have very little protection or welfare regulations.

Clearly there is an urgent need for changes to be made to protect All Racing Dogs from these inadequate, inhumane and cruel practices.

It is important that ALL Greyhounds are monitored and are protected by welfare regulations. This is especially pertinent to Ireland where breeders have vague guidelines and no limitations as to how they treat the dogs.

The greatest problems occur with the unregulated breeders in Ireland. There is an urgent necessity for these countries & the UK to follow the same welfare guidelines and regulations. A global set of Welfare regulations is really the only sensible option to protect these dogs. By starting with Ireland this will make a massive impact for Greyhound welfare.

Greyhound racing has become an "industry" & unless the dogs are making money then they are of no "worth" to their owners.

Ideally changes need to be made to bring in Global laws to protect these vulnerable & exploited animals. The existing regulations, regarding racing greyhounds, are totally inadequate. Drastic improvements need to be implimented to stop the exploiation, abuse & inhumane treatment of these beautiful, gentle dogs.

In an ideal world this cruel "sport" would be abolished totally but protective laws are a step in the right direction and would help so many greyhounds escape from miserable, cruel lives & torturous disposal methods.

Regulated Proposals for Racing Greyhounds, is to have one set of Global welfare rules & regulations. To include :-

  • Have a veterinarian present at all race meetings, trials and sales trials who must inspect every greyhound before it runs & for the track to abide by the veterinarian's decision with regard to fitness to race
  • Provide the veterinarian with appropriate facilities;
  • Provide suitable kennels, diet, hygeine standards, for all racing greyhounds whether or not they are going to run in a race or trial.
  • For the dogs NOT to be muzzled for 23-24 hours a day;
  • Ensure that the Greyhounds have access to an outside area for exercise and be supplied with adequate food and water.
  • Only allow greyhounds that are healthy, micro-chipped, registered and, where required, tattooed, to run in a race or trial
  • Keep up to date records of owners, trainers, vets, greyhounds and of any injuries/deaths to the greyhounds.
  • Monitor All licensed and private Breeders so they are All governed by the same regulations & welfare stipulations, in All aspects of Greyhound Dog breeding, training, kennelling & welfare
  • Reduce & monitor Breeding programmes to eliminate excess Dogs thereby reducing the need to euthanise/kill or re-home unwanted piuppies or unwanted adult dogs thereby reducing the need for inhumane & cheap disposal methods
  • To regulate All Greyhound Breeders whether private or part of a larger organisation. 
  • To Provide adequate travelling facilities, breaks (on long journeys) and Water/food as required
  • To prosecute any Breeder, Owner, Trainer or Vet for any abuse, neglect or inhumane treatment or disposal method of the Dogs. Thereby leading to a lifetime ban from the racing industry in any capacity.

Drastic Changes need to be made to bring in rules, regulations and monotoring of every aspect of the Greyhound Racing Industry. 

They need our help & protection as we are their voice.

We Bet they suffer & Die!


There are major concerns about animal welfare issues relating to the Racing Greyhound Industry. APGAW, RSPCA and other Animal Welfare agencies in the UK, Ireland, & other Countries,would like to see major changes in the welfare, treatment and kennelling of all Greyhounds & for all independent and private tracks, to abide by these set Welfare rules and regulations whether in the UK, Ireland or other Countries. In other words Global regulations for the welfare & protection of all racing Greyhounds

At least 20 greyhounds a day, either puppies, which do not make the track because of lack of “Prey drive”, or 'retired' dogs, aged between 18 months to 3-4 years, simply 'disappear' according to “records”.  All dogs should be identifiable by the tattoos & registry Records. When they are tattooed the dogs are often roughly handled & dragged around by their ears with pincers. 

Many Greyhounds are later discovered dumped, either in mass graves or at solitary isolated areas. Most are found with their ears hacked off, so that no owner/track can be held accountable. Many are not “cleanly killed” but left to suffer in agony. Dogs are sometimes destroyed, due to injury, even for as little as a broken toe. As the owners don't want a dog that costs them money! All dogs are killed as cheaply as possible often with a captive bolt gun which in itself is a cruel and unreliable way to dispatch an animal.

Dogs are generally kennelled, constantly muzzled, for 23-24 hours a day for their entire racing life . There are usually at least two dogs per small kennel, sharing one bed (with straw if they are lucky). The kennels are overcrowded, not properly, ventilated or maintained and badly cramped.

The Dogs are half starved or given very poor diets, because of the unrealistic racing weight regulations. They have to eat (muzzled), sleep & defecate in these unhygienic small areas.

When travelling to race meetings, this can involve very long trips in cages so small that the dogs cannot properly stand up or lie down. With no food or water

Most of the Greyhounds supplied for the racing industry, in the UK, come from Ireland where they have very little protection or welfare regulations.

Clearly there is an urgent need for changes to be made to protect All Racing Dogs from these inadequate, inhumane and cruel practices.

It is important that ALL Greyhounds are monitored and are protected by welfare regulations. This is especially pertinent to Ireland & other Countries where breeders have vague guidelines and no limitations as to how they treat the dogs.

The greatest problems occur with the unregulated breeders in Ireland & breeders abroad There is an urgent necessity for these countries & the UK to follow the same welfare guidelines and regulations. A global set of Welfare regulations is really the only sensible option to protect these dogs.

Greyhound racing has become an "industry" & unless the dogs are making money then they are of no "worth" to their owners.

Changes need to be made to bring in Global laws to protect these vulnerable & exploited animals. The existing regulations, regarding racing greyhounds, are totally inadequate. Drastic improvements need to be implimented to stop the exploiation, abuse & inhumane treatment of these beautiful, gentle dogs.

In an ideal world this cruel "sport" would be abolished totally but protective laws are a step in the right direction and would help so many greyhounds escape from miserable, cruel lives & torturous disposal methods.

Regulated Proposals for Racing Greyhounds, is to have one set of Global welfare rules & regulations. To include :-

  • Have a veterinarian present at all race meetings, trials and sales trials who must inspect every greyhound before it runs & for the track to abide by the veterinarian's decision with regard to fitness to race

  • Provide the veterinarian with appropriate facilities;

  • Provide suitable kennels, diet, hygeine standards, for all racing greyhounds whether or not they are going to run in a race or trial.

  • For the dogs NOT to be muzzled for 23-24 hours a day;

  • Ensure that the Greyhounds have access to an outside area for exercise and be supplied with adequate food and water.

  • Only allow greyhounds that are healthy, micro-chipped, registered and, where required, tattooed, to run in a race or trial

  • Keep up to date records of owners, trainers, vets, greyhounds and of any injuries/deaths to the greyhounds.

  • Monitor All licensed and private Breeders so they are All governed by the same regulations & welfare stipulations, in All aspects of Greyhound Dog breeding, training, kennelling & welfare

  • Reduce & monitor Breeding programmes to eliminate excess Dogs thereby reducing the need to euthanise/kill or re-home unwanted piuppies or unwanted adult dogs thereby reducing the need for inhumane & cheap disposal methods

  • To regulate All Greyhound Breeders whether private or part of a larger organisation. 

  • To Provide adequate travelling facilities, breaks (on long journeys) and Water/food as required

  • To prosecute any Breeder, Owner, Trainer or Vet for any abuse, neglect or inhumane treatment or disposal method of the Dogs. Thereby leading to a lifetime ban from the racing industry in any capacity.

Drastic Changes need to be made to bring in Global rules, regulations and monotoring of every aspect of the Greyhound Racing Industry. 

They need our help & protection as we are their voice.

We Bet they suffer & Die!

Update #19 jaar geleden
Hi everyone, thanks for signing the petition to improve greyhound welfare. The UK Government is consulting on this issue right now, and you can let them know what you think here. Deadline is 31 December 2015 so please respond to their consultation on their website ASAP.
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