UK Government Bring back HIGH Dog licence fees registration required. NOW

UK Government made Microchipping compulsary yet many dogs are not There is breeding of dogs in many homes solely for monetary gain, the pups then sold on and never microchipped.They then passed about to others when not wanted. Abandoned usually when sick,old/abused. A high fee licence will stop this

Many dogs slip "under the net".They are not microchipped and can slip though this loophole as many do not ever visit a vet. They are simply passed about like unwanted toys to others being sold on.They have no permanant loving home.They can easily end up in the wrong hands of dog fighters and abusers. When they become ill they are left to suffer or are dumped anywhere leaving them to die alone and distessed.Animal rescues are overwhelmed with abandoned animals. The UK Goverment can help stop this

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