Demand That Serial Rapist And School Girl Killer Paul Bernardo Be Sent Back To Millhaven Maximum Security Prison

  • van: Celeste Keenan
  • ontvanger: The Federal Public Safety Minister and Correction Services of Canada

To The Minister of Public Safety and Corrections Services of Canada.

While I do support the right for people to be free of cruel and unusual punishments I also support the right for people to be free of fear that a killer who is not fit to re-enter society may be set free.
We the undersigned signatories of this petition demand that Paul Bernardo be sent back to the Millhaven Correctional Facility.
Please consider the rights of the French, Mahaffy, and Holmoka families and do not let this man victimize these families again.

Update #43 maanden geleden
Update #31 jaar geleden

Amazingly, they knew of the backlash that the transfer would cause. But it's not that which is the problem. The problem is that this dangerous man is getting more freedom than he deserves.
Update #21 jaar geleden

What BS. The CSC said that the Bernardo transfer was "sound," But to say that they could have "communicated" with the families of the victims is the understatement of the year.
Bernardo is playing Anne Kelley like a fricken fiddle.
Update #11 jaar geleden,happened%20%E2%80%
It seems that those who are under Marco Mendicinp's employ knew three monthis ago about the prison transfer before he did.
How could they even think about letting such a dangerous man out into a medium security prison?
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