Mother's Brand "Circus Animal Cookies" Celebrates Animal Abuse. Change the Name!

  • van: Rebecca G.
  • ontvanger: Kellogg Company, parent company of Mother's brand
Have you ever tasted a Mother's brand "Circus Animal Cookie"? When I was a kid, the surgery pink and white animal-shaped cookies were a memorable treat. But while the cookies are fun and delicious — the name "Circus Animal Cookies" is decidedly not.

Mother's brand "Circus Animal Cookies" were created over a hundred years ago, when the cookies' shape celebrated the novelty of seeing an exotic animal in a travelling circus. But times have certainly changed — and we now recognize that capturing wild animals and forcing them to perform at a circus is cruel and inhumane.

That's why I'm calling on Mother's brand cookies and its parent company, Kellogg, to change the name of its "Circus Animal Cookies" immediately. The name is antiquated, out-of-touch — and keeping it would normalize the circus' long history of animal cruelty and abuse.

Animals in a circus — like the elephants, rhinos, and camels depicted in Mother's brand "Circus Animal Cookies" — are often severely abused. In order to get them to perform tricks, trainers use bullhooks, ropes, and electric prods to beat animals into submission. And animals in traveling circuses can be forced to endure dangerous circumstances and extreme temperatures for long periods of time while traveling from location to location.

I'm sure Mother's brand cookies doesn't want customers to associate its products with the horrors and misery of circus life where animals are forced to perform unnatural — and often painful — tricks onstage and are then confined, tethered, or chained in cramped spaces while off-duty.

While I love Mother's brand cookies, times have changed and this product needs to change with it. Recently, Nabisco listened to public pressure and redesigned the packaging of its Animal Crackers to show the animals living free and happy in natural habitats — rather then the previous design showing cramped, old-fashioned circus cages.

That's why I'm challenging Kellogg and Mother's brand cookies to do the same and disassociate itself from animal cruelty and abuse by changing its "Circus Animal Cookies" name. Will you join me?
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