Stop the Ludlow supermarket development on Rocks Green from destroying Ludlow

  • van: Raj Saini
  • ontvanger:

Ludlow has long been hailed as the aspirational jewel in the crown of small towns; a byword for excellence with its independent shops, lively market, fabulous restaurants and long history. This is threatened by planning proposal 14/05573/OUT which will DESTROY our special town, completing the homogenisation of England. Too many towns have been devastated by 'just' out of town shopping experiences, a byword for the death of local communities and empty shops, whilst lining the pockets of corporate fatboys. We have supermarkets in Ludlow centre already (a Tesco and an Aldi); we do NOT need a large superstore on the bypass which will divert people away from the town centre. Leave our town alone, and protect our unique shopping experience and cultural heritage.

Please also object following the link:

Dear Sir, Please consider our feelings and vote against the planning development. We love Ludlow and want to keep it special.

We are lucky to have such a plethora of independant bakers, butchers and restaurants. Out of town developments kill towns. Take the example of Malvern, to name one local example.

Raj Saini

Update #58 jaar geleden
Dear friends, the supermarket proposal is again going to committee. The planners have recommended that the plans are approved at the meeting at 2pm Tuesday 7th February because they say an appeal will cost too much to defend.. If you have friends that are sympathetic and oppose the supermarket, would you consider asking them to sign the petition, please, before it is too late? Thank you for your time.
Update #48 jaar geleden
The planners have submitted revised plans for the supermarket proposal at Rock's Green. The new supermarket will be larger in size but the sales area will be a little smaller than previously planned. If you can, please share this petition on social media and if you are to object, please do so before Thursday at:
The proposal will be discussed either in February or March/
Update #38 jaar geleden
We almost had a result! Thank you to everybody for signing this petition. Thanks to you and to the Keep Ludlow Local campaign, the council wanted to vote against the proposal but were stopped by the planning committee. Final decision has been deferred for 'a couple of months'. Let's keep up the momentum by asking as many people as possible to sign the petition, and sharing it. We live to fight another day: thank you!
Update #28 jaar geleden
It is D-day tomorrow! The planning committee are meeting Tuesday to vote for or against the proposal. Please, please, help by going to Shrewsbury tomorrow afternoon if you can-and please share this petition before it is too late.
Many thanks,
Update #18 jaar geleden
Thank you for signing the petition against the proposed out-of-town Ludlow Supermarket Development. If you are able to, would you share the petition and consider objecting at

The application will be voted on, in 11 days-the 11th of October.
Many thanks: Ludlow is very special, and we would love to keep it that way.
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