Stop Elon Musk's illegal takeover of the government!

Unelected bureaucrat Elon Musk and his pack of internet-addicted 20-somethings have seized control of the computer systems that process trillions of dollars of payments and the private information of EVERY SINGLE AMERICAN, and now they're attempting to unilaterally shut down the United States Agency of International Development — a government agency created by Congress that can only be disbanded by Congress.

Enough is enough. Elon Musk and his toadies have gone too far, and it's time Trump kicked the entire lot of them out of the government and let Congress do their job.

Kick Elon Musk and his DOGE cronies out of the government!

This is a constitutional crisis in the making. No one elected Elon Musk to do anything. He's not been confirmed by the Senate to do anything, and he has zero authority to unilaterally stop federal government payments. He is not a government employee. He is just a private citizen who gave the President $100 million in campaign funds.

Congress must take action NOW to reassert its authority and stop this illegal, authoritarian coup by a foreign billionaire.

Stop Elon Musk's illegal takeover of the government!

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