I AM LIVID!! I just heard on our local news that in Lake Mary FL, a bear mauled a lady in her garage. Now, to rectify this situation the FL Fish & Wildlife Officers decided to shoot and kill six additional bears in that area. They have no idea which bear committed the offense, so let's just kill them all.
These bears unfortunately have been habitualized because the residents in that and outlying areas aren't bear-proofing their homes, such as using trash receptacles that are not so easy to access by hungry animals. We are steadily encroaching into all wild animals habitat. There has to be a better solution to this problem other than killing all the bears, or other animals, who are simply in the wrong place at the wrong time.
I am sincerely saddened for the tragic mauling of the lady and I wish her a speedy recovery. But, let's not overdo our response by killing all the innocent ones who are trying to survive!
As you can see by the thousands of signatures that signed this petition, what your agency has done is totally WRONG. Hopefully, if this situation occurs again, you will find a less brutal way of handeling these defenseless animals. Tranquilizer, relocation, anything but DEATH. This was a knee-jerk reaction to a situation that could have been death with in a much more humane way. If there is a next time........PLAN FOR THE WELFARE OF THE BEARS, NOT JUST ONE PERSON.
Update #310 jaar geleden
FWC: "Bears near Lake Mary homes because residents are feeding them." When will these folks get a clue? How about no dog or cat food outside, no easily opened trash cans, no bird food for a start?
Update #210 jaar geleden
Voice your complaints re: this senseless slaughter to Mike Troelstrup, Inspector General of FWC by phoning 850-488-6068 or email Mike.Troelstrup@MyFWC.com or Chris Wynn, Regional Dir. at 386-758-0525 or Wildlife Alert Hotline at 888-404-FWCC. Thank You for caring!
Update #110 jaar geleden
Now the total bears killed for this offense has reached SEVEN and counting.