We MUST Save the Hector's & Maui's Dolphin before they go EXTINCT!

    It is a big concern of how many threats Hector's dolphin faces. And they must be saved now!
    Hector's & maui's dolphin live in the shallow coastal waters of New Zealand. Some of their many threats include Bycatch commercial and recreational gill and trawl nets. For example, gillnets are made of a fine mesh which the dolphins cannot detect. So they get tangled in it and get caught by fishermen. Other threats include Habitat-related threats, disease, and maybe even tourism negatively impacts the dolphins. Other threats include being struck by boats, pollution in their habitat, coastal development, and seabed mining.The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) reached out to New Zealand’s prime minister and managed to ban gillnets within 4 miles of the New Zealand coast. Hector's dolphin also happens to be the smallest and rarest marine dolphin in the world and it would be tragic to lose yet another marine animal. Over 100 of Hector's and Maui's dolphins are killed every year. It is our fault as humans, that these dolphins are rapidly going extinct.
    It is our responsibility to save them and we need to do it fast. Please consider some of these ways to help…
    Donate to any Hector's dolphin fund. I would recommend WWF. If you have any extra money, please consider donating. It would help the animals a lot and all donations including YOUR donation will be some of the reasons that these animals don’t go extinct.
    Sign this Petition. It’s easy and free! You can do it from anywhere you have internet including the comfort of your own home. No matter if you’re sitting on a toilet, fixing your roof, or watering your dog!
    The reason why you SHOULD help is because we, humans have made so much harm to not just Hector’s dolphin but to many other animals as well. We should keep a sustainable environment for everyone and everything, Including us. The only way we can do that is to start saving the animals so that we can eventually save ourselves from ruining this world.
    Thank you for reading.
    petitie tekenen
    petitie tekenen


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