Protect the Frontier Closed Area in Hong Kong

  • van: Yasutaka Imai
  • ontvanger: The government of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Police Force

The Frontier Closed Area (香港邊境禁區/Hiông-kóng Piên-kin Kim-khî) which lies between Hong Kong and China, is regarded as one of fine examples of Involuntary Parks in the world.

Since in 1951, the area was restricted from any econimic activities, resulted in creating an important habitat for local fauna and flora.

However, this unintended sanctuary is under threat from reductions and legalize commercial exploitation since 2006 despite concerns by environmentalists and WWF had been published. Even though authority had announced to take these concerns into account, areas up to 740 hectares/ 1,800 acres were exploited in 2012.

Plans for further exploitations are ongoing and it is clear that we will soonly lose significant proportions of this critical habitat in near future. Furthermore, there had not been any sufficient researches being conducted on its ecosystem and wilflife thriving within, and it is highly possible that valuable nature could be lost without even being acknowledged.


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