Demand that YouTube removes Hiroyuki Terada's extreme animal cruelty videos

  • van:
  • ontvanger: Hiroyuki Terada @chefhiroterada Youtube CEO Susan Wojcicki (everyone hates her)

Go and watch all this lot, I dare you. (I didn't, I refuse to give this evil person the satisfaction). Then come back here and sign this. Share it. Share it. Share it. And then share it again. And I promise you it will go viral.

Extreme Series | Hiroyuki Terada

"These videos are EXTREMELY GRAPHIC by nature and show the dispatching of living creatures or may show some skills Chef Hiro does, which we DO NOT recommend by anyone."

"We hope you enjoy them all..."

GRAPHIC: Live Frog Recipe

WTF is this? This is the year 2021 already. Really.
In other words, they know it's sick but they do it anyway because they can. So cutting up live animals and serving them as food is a thing now is it?!

What I want to know is, do you think this "content" breaks YouTube's own community guidelines on animal cruelty? I'm pretty sure it does. Do you think it encourages people to disrespect animals? You bet you it does.

Youtube even say it themselves:

"Violent or gory content intended to shock or disgust viewers, or content encouraging others to commit violent acts are not allowed on YouTube."

"Content where there is infliction of unnecessary suffering or harm deliberately causing an animal distress."

I don't think killing animals should be made into a form of "entertainment", not for anybody. You want to eat meat? Well okay, go right ahead. No one is stopping you. Even I eat meat. But I don't want to see what are essentially monetised murder videos, do I? I don't want to see live animals served as food. That kind of shit can stay in Japan where it belongs (thanks very much). Time to draw a boundary with Japanese people.

If it was a pig or a cow or a sheep, would that be allowed? No. So why is it any different for crustaceans? Oh that's okay is it YouTube? It's offensive to me (& no doubt many thousands/millions of buddhists).

Imagine if the animals in question were substituted for people. Would that pass the integrity check? I don't think so. Not even remotely.

The worst part is that the producers are actually being paid for it. I think it sucks. I think the whole thing sucks, @Youtube. Bigtime. I'm pretty sure that there are tens of thousands of people who'd agree with me too.

Honestly, I'm fed up with it. Quite frankly I don't care if you are "the most popular Japanese chef on YouTube" Mr Hiroyuki Terada. You're certainly the sickest one aren't you? Where is your empathy Terada-san? Do you have any? Apparently not.

I don't think killing animals should be made into a form of "entertainment", not for anybody. You want to eat meat? Well okay, go right ahead. No one is stopping you. Even I eat meat. But I don't want to see what are essentially monetised murder videos, do I? I don't want to see live animals served as food. That kind of shit can stay in Japan where it belongs (thanks very much). Time to draw a boundary with Japanese people.

You know, what sort of message does it send to young people? It sends the message that you can be successful by being cruel. By torturing animals. You can get more subscribers be showing animal abuse. And you can not only get away with it Scot-free, you can earn money from it (plenty of money).

It's one thing being a sushi chef. It's quite another to deliberately broadcast what is essentially animal cruelty and get paid for that shit. There is no "skill" in broadcasting animal cruelty. I for one am going to try to put a stop to it. I'm not going to stand idly by and allow you to do it (and get handsomely financially compensated for it I might add).

I'll wipe that stupid smile off your face, I don't care who you are. And that goes for you too Mr Gordon Ramsay. The pair of you. I'll laugh as this petition gathers over a hundred thousand signatures, if not one million, and YouTube eventually has no choice but to take action, I will. I will laugh.

To you Mr Hiroyuki Terada, I think we both know that you have grown your channel on the back of these disgusting videos. It's the ONLY reason you are famous, son. Those videos have up to 14 million views. And you have what? Only 1.8M subsribers? Pathetic! If you were that good you would have 14M+ subscribers already. Am I right or what? Of course I'm right.

I have just mobilised about 100,000 people (believe it or not). But don't wait until the petition gathers momentum. You can already start putting pressure on these people yourself right now. I suggest not doing this via youtube. Well you can report all the videos you don't like (and the playlist). But what good is commenting on a video with 20k comments? People will only attack you, troll you.

I think it is better to go straight to Hiroyuki Terada social media accounts, look his instagram is relatively quiet, you're more likely to have some impact there, the cruel Hiroyuki Terada will see what you have to say:

Don't forget to tag the bastard @chefhiroterada so that he knows that we think what he is doing is wrong. I don't care if he is Gordon Ramsay's "friend".

Or better yet, hassle her sister (because Susan never listens to anyone)!
Why not?

Lastly, you can send some hate mail to his real address.
And/or spam his whole twitter account without him knowing (because it looks like he never checks it).

Hiroyuki Terada
6815 Biscayne Blvd, 
Suite 103-451
Miami, FL 33138

If you're still reading, still outraged, still offended, still disgusted, you can sign this other petition on Yes, I'm so angry I have made a double petition.

Update #33 jaar geleden
Hello, I have another petition I would like you to sign. "Don't bulldoze 1000 trees for a Moruya highway bypass overdevelopment. Choose the shorter option D/E instead."
I would *really* appreciate it if you could all sign & share this new petition.
Kind regards,
leslie dean brown
Update #23 jaar geleden
Please share this around again and again on all your social media channels. Also, if you'd like to directly support my activism, please visit my etsy shop. There are many handmade eco mouse mats to choose from and also some art. I could really do with the money this week. Thanks, Leslie —
Update #14 jaar geleden
I have another important petition for you to sign "Release Navalny now! Stop persecuting and oppressing Navalny supporters."

Thanks, Leslie
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