Psychological Assistance Dogs for people in the UK

  • van: Nicola Root
  • ontvanger: Prime Minister David Cameron

People with mental difficulties can find everyday life hard and struggle to be independent. These people have to rely on other people around them to help them when their in difficulty, but if they have a Psychological Assistance Dog they could do their own thing knowing if something happens in their mind that a dog could help them get help and emotionally support them when feeling alone.

Dogs are amazing at helping people, and the dogs will be valued to the people they support. 

People with mental difficulties can find everyday life hard and struggle to be independent. These people have to rely on other people around them to help them when their in difficulty, but if they have a Psychological Assistance Dog they could do their own thing knowing if something happens in their mind that a dog could help them get help and emotionally support them when feeling alone. people with autism are able in the UK to have a support dog for them. (autism is something that affects the mind) and some people find it hard to have the confidence to leave the house shop by themselves, but with a support dog they might have a bit more confidance to be able to be more independent and not having to rely on services more than they would with an assistant dog.

other countries have the option with a Psychological Assistance Dog so why in the Uk we can't. 

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