Release Kristina Fetters do to inoperable stage four breast cancer

  • van: Lori Smith
  • ontvanger: Iowa State Parole Board and Governor Branstad

Kristina Fetters Lives in hospice in the Iowa Correctional Institution for Women In Mitchellville Iowa.  She has inoperable stage four breast cancer.  Kristina Fetters needs to be release so she can be with her family for her last precious days.  This is what the courts said at her resentencing hearing on Nov. 20 2013. "Kristina Fetters is rehabilitated and has redeemed herself.  The court recommends to the parole board that the defendant be released immediately from custody because of her poor health condition and prognosis."  The judge denied her release saying he can not interpret the law.  We as her family and friends need to fight to get her released.  Thank you to all that sigh this petition every name on here means alot to Kristina Fetters and her family.


Update #111 jaar geleden
Today Krissy was parole she will be going to a hopice. Thank you to everyone who signed this petition. Working, praying and supporting her together is what got her released. Thank you all again. :)
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