• van: zenzele sloan
  • ontvanger: City of Vancouver Mayor, British Columbia Premier

An older man was walking along a public beach with his pug who was off leash.  His pug went up to some persons pitbull and stood barking at it.  The pitbull then tried to bite the pug.  WHen the man, the pugs owner, saw this he went up to the pitbull and stabbed him 40 times.  Stabbing tis innocent dog was uncalled for.  Why would this man be carrying a knife with him anyways?  Did he not think about all the people around?  What if a young child saw the poor, dead dog just laying there?  After stabbing the dog he left.  No one did anything.  I don't even think the police were notified. I was only told of this situation by my mother but it really struck a cord with me. It makes me sick to think that anyone would even consider hurting a dog. 

Please sign this petition so this man can have the punishment he deserves

Update #211 jaar geleden
Okay ladies and gentlemen, were halfway there! Please continue sharing this petition so i can get to AT LEAST 1000 signatures.
Much appreciated!
Update #111 jaar geleden
I just wanted to thank everyone who has signed my petition! I would appreciate it if you could share it with friends, family etc the word must get out!
Thanks again,
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