Stop Destroying Innocent Dogs in Gas Chambers !

Dogs are not meant to be gassed in the same way as the many people who lost their lives in the Holocaust. You can hear them crying for help, but there is no way of excaping the dreadful torture of being stuffed into tiny containers filled with gas. Disposing of them like garbage is inhumane and terrifying for the dogs.

If, however, the dogs need to be put down, for any reason at all, the dogs should be euthanized humanely with injections, which put them out of their miseries quickly and painlessly. Placing them somewhere comfortable during their last moments will make their departure from the world much calmer and less painful.

We do not need another Holocaust, let alone for pets. They are just like humans who need to live in peace, confort, and health. Just hearing the whimpers from inside the steel compartments are heart-breaking, and we cannot go on like this any longer.

Please keep the pets out of the gas chambers!

This video shows the cruelty of gassing healthy dogs :

petitie tekenen
petitie tekenen
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