Protect Rare, Albino Moose

  • van: Nyack Clancy
  • ontvanger: Nova Scotia Minister of Environment, Honourable Sterling Belliveau, Nova Scotia Deparment of Natural Resources Director Honourable Charlie Parker

Last week near Belle Cote, Nova Scotia, Canada, hunters shot and killed a rare albino moose- considered to be a sacred spirit animal in Mi'kmaq aboriginal culture. This is the second death of the rare animal; the other one became sick and was put down. One more remains alive in the woods, without the benefit of any laws to protect it.

The hunters claim that they did not know the animal was sacred to the Mi'kmaq community, even though  the Mi'kmaq have been teaching the signifigance of the animal to the non-native population for almost 500 years. Ignorance is no excuse this type disrespect, and the Mi'kmaq community has been rightfully angered and insulted.

We ask for legislation to protect the rare albino moose, and more education surrounding it. Another option is to could relocate the sacred animal to a provincial park, where it would not encounter hunters.


Nova Scotia Environment
Minister of Environment, Honourable Sterling Belliveau
PO Box 442
Halifax, NS B3J 2P8
Phone: 902-424-3736
Fax: (902) 424-1599

Nova Scotia Deparment of Natural Resources
Director Honourable Charlie  Parker
P.O. Box 698  
NS Department of Natural Resources
Halifax, Nova Scotia
B3J 2T9
Phone: 902- 424-4037
Fax: 902- 424-0594

Last week near Belle Cote, Nova Scotia, Canada, hunters shot and killed a rare albino moose- considered to be a sacred spirit animal in Mi'kmaq aboriginal culture. This is the second death of the rare animal; the other one became sick and was put down. One more remains alive in the woods, without the benefit of any laws to protect it.

The hunters claim that they did not know the animal was sacred to the Mi'kmaq community, even though  the Mi'kmaq have been teaching the signifigance of the animal to the non-native population for almost 500 years. Ignorance is no excuse this type disrespect, and the Mi'kmaq community has been rightfully angered and insulted.

We ask for legislation to protect the rare albino moose, and more education surrounding it. Another option is to could relocate the sacred animal to a provincial park, where it would not encounter hunters.


Nova Scotia Environment
Minister of Environment, Honourable Sterling Belliveau
PO Box 442
Halifax, NS B3J 2P8
Phone: 902-424-3736
Fax: (902) 424-1599

Nova Scotia Deparment of Natural Resources
Director Honourable Charlie  Parker
P.O. Box 698  
NS Department of Natural Resources
Halifax, Nova Scotia
B3J 2T9
Phone: 902- 424-4037
Fax: 902- 424-0594

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