Wolves and privacy in danger

Friends of mine run a wolve rescue and Sanctuary in Montrose, Colorado county. They take the ones that dnt have anyone to go. They save those that are dumped in shelters, unwanted, abused and needing help.
Because of a rude neighbor, they are being forced off there land.
This neighbor has trespassed, assaulted my friends and their animals whom are in ther own enclosures. He has video taped them, assaulted them. They have a restraining order on this neighbor. His house his half mile from property gate and has made it his mission to keep filing complaints against them. The county is now trying to force them off their land or charge them 1000 dollars everyday they do not move. They are in the forest.

I need the help of all the people that care about not being violated on your own property and to help keep the wolve and dog Sanctuary where it is. Please sign and pass along. I would greatly appreciate this.

Update #19 jaar geleden
-still need more signitures
-county has kicked them off their land, trying to fine them
- still fighting for what's right, for their personal property that they save wolves trying to get it up and running on their new land
- need to make county in trouble le for taking rich manS money instead of doing what's right
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