Support closing Maryland Schools on Veterans Day

  • van: Floyd Azbell
  • ontvanger: Governer of Maryland; Martin Joseph O'Malley

       Please join me in “Operation School Closing”.   I plan to gather support by having citizens of the great State of Maryland sign a petition to prompt local State Representatives and State Senators to draft and enact legislation which would prohibit public schools from being open on Veterans Day.  At the present time the decision is left with the individual county.  When I first decided to addressed this issue I went to my local teachers association meeting to see who made the decision for Worcester County Schools.  I found out there is a committee that decides what days the school will be open and which holidays the schools will be closed.   After finding out the decision was at a local level, I started thinking this should not be left to the individual counties. I decided ALL State public schools should be closed for Veterans Day. 

   I therefore respectfully solicit your support to immediately require our elected officials to develop and enact legislation that would require ALL public schools to close on every November 11, each year in observance of Veterans Day. 

Your support in this matter is greatly appreciated


Floyd F Azbell


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