Justice for Angel!

A very busy Illegal Drug Dealer moved in next to me and immediately starting threatening me and my animals. I called the police on them many times. They yelled at me, threatened me, tried to run me off the road, sexually harassed me, caused the death of four of my dogs, caused me to get rid of all my goats because they were going to kill them, tried to kill my horse and seriously injured her. Broke the windows in my house and shot my house and broke my windows again, etc. 

They have cost me thousands in legal fees, moving fees, vet bills, etc. I never saw the police investigate or ever apear to help in any way. This Illegal Drug Dealer lives on disability and dose not appear disabled in any way, I also reported this many times and nothing was ever done.

I want the support and protection of these Illegal Drug Dealers stoped and actually investigations done. Ask the SS office and the police in NC to take these reports seriously. Please help me in any way, sign my petition and go to my Indiegogo fundraiser site.

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