Stop L'Oreal Animal Testing

  • van: Mae Kelley
  • ontvanger: L'Oreal Beauty Products

The makeup on your shelf in your bedroom looks like normal chemicals. But how did it get there? People don't think twice when adjusting their lipstick, but we need to raise awareness about the torture animals went through to make your makeup.

Small rabbits are ordered for testing the makeup. They are taken to a room where their mouths are clamped open with pliers. They are shaven, and are held while chemicals are squirted in their eyes.

Imagine if you were taken from your home, shaven against your will, and forced hot, steaming chemicals in to your open eyes. Animals are no different. They suffer while we get our makeup. Do we really care more about our makeup than animals? It's our choice. Our future could be filled with animals or makeup. Take your pick.

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