Repeal the Georgia election rule mandating hand-counted ballots!

  • van: OD Action
  • ontvanger: Georgia Board of Elections

In a stunningly transparent attempt to enable Trump's election-disputing plot, the pro-Trump Georgia Board of Elections has passed a new rule forcing the state's election workers to count all ballots in the 2024 election…by hand.


Nearly 5 million votes were cast in Georgia during the 2020 election, which means that it would take weeks if not MONTHS before we know who won the election — giving Trump plenty of time to dispute the election results, proclaim himself the winner, and foment another January 6th with his devious lies.

This is absolutely unacceptable and beyond ridiculous. We must demand that the Georgia Elections Board reverse course and allow modern technology to be used to count election results in a modern election.

Repeal the Georgia election rule mandating hand-counted ballots!

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