Don't Drop Latin books from Createspace (now sold to Kindle Direct)

  • van: Jocelyn Demuth
  • ontvanger: to create greater access to new books in Latin

Createspace, the self-publishing platform of Amazon is being sold to Kindle Direct Publishing. KDP has decided that they will no longer publish works in Latin. The list of languages they will support includes the main Romance languages but many lesser-known languages such as Welsh, Eastern Frisian, and Basque to name a few. Why not Latin?
In the last two years, there has been an explosion of novellas written in Latin which has been a great boon to teachers looking for new materials to interest students.
To cut Latin from the Createspace platform would do a great disservice to our teachers, students, and authors. Latin is not dead. It is thriving and growing. Please help us make our case to Kindle Direct and keep Latin on their platform.

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