• van: DIVE TRIBE
  • ontvanger: CEO/Directors of the Board MAKRO

The petition aims to:

Stop the Trade in Sharks through out Makro stores in Asia 

To raise awareness with store owners and the buying public that trade in sharks is not a sustainable commodity and should be stopped. 

Every person signing this petition would like  to see Makro cease in the trading of shark produce.


Dear Sirs, 

It has been brought to our attention and upon closer inspection verified that you have been openly trading sharks to customer in Thailand / Asia.

Currently sharks are facing immense pressure from over fishing, finning and by catch. So much so that some species have declined by as much as 90%.

As top predators, sharks help to manage healthy ocean ecosystems and as the number of sharks declines, the oceans will suffer unpredictable and devastating consequences. Sharks help maintain the health of ocean ecosystems, including seagrass beds and coral reefs.

Their decline in our ocean has already set of  whole chains of negative events that have lead to environmental destruction within our oceans.

Due to sharks maturing slowly and taking several years to reach breeding age their species simply cannot survive this rate of fishing.We must remove the demand for them to have any chance of their survival.

As MAKRO is responsible for fueling this trade we would ask you to kindly reconsider your policy in trading in this unsustainable commodity and work with us to stop the extinction of these marvelous and very important creatures

Countries and States that have banned either Shark Fins or Shark Trade in general include,Hawaii, California, Oregon and Washington State, Republic of Palau 

Stores and Hotels that have already agreed to stop trading in Shark Products include: Fairprice Supermarkets, Carrefour Super Markets, Shangri La Hotel Chain, Hilton Hotel Chain, Peninsular Hotel Chain.

We respectively ask you to reconsider and to stop trading in Shark Products

Thank You for your kind consideration

Dive Tribe 
Marine Conservation Organisation

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