Stop the Killings at the Constanza Dog Pound (Romania)

The public dog pound in Costanza, managed by the company Alfmob srl, is nothing more than a big slaughterhouse for stray dogs. The images posted next to the dog pound, clearly show healthy animals injected in the thorax by someone looking like a veterinarian, placed in line on the ground dead and in a plastic bag. The bodies are then transported to an incinerator in a nearby region, an incinerator financed with European funds.In the video material gathered by Save the Dogs, one can also see the captures in Cernavoda, the prohibited hygienic conditions in the Costanza dog pound and the large pincers (banned by the Romanian law %u2013 like the killing of healthy animals) used to seize the poor animals. Save the Dogs has sent a series of images to all the major Romanian television stations and the press, as well, the members of the local council of Cernavoda, asking to immediately interrupt their contract with Alfmob. Moreover, a legal action as been undertaken against the company and the vet who undertook the killings.
Dear Sir,
we the undersigned are asking you to stop the killings of dogs at the Constanza dog pound!
The public dog pound in Costanza, managed by the company Alfmob srl, is nothing more than a big slaughterhouse for stray dogs. The images posted next to the dog pound, clearly show healthy animals injected in the thorax by someone looking like a veterinarian, placed in line on the ground dead and in a plastic bag. The bodies are then transported to an incinerator in a nearby region, an incinerator financed with European funds. In the video material gathered by Save the Dogs, one can also see the captures in Cernavoda, the prohibited hygienic conditions in the Costanza dog pound and the large pincers (banned by the Romanian law %u2013 like the killing of healthy animals) used to seize the poor animals. Save the Dogs has sent a series of images to all the major Romanian television stations and the press, as well, the members of the local council of Cernavoda, asking to immediately interrupt their contract with Alfmob. Moreover, a legal action as been undertaken against the company and the vet who undertook the killings.
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