Save Stanley Park’s coyotes! Stop cruel experiments!

  • van: Nicole Corrado
  • ontvanger: UBC, City of Vancouver, BC Conservation Officer Service, Province of British Columbia,

Update February 1 2024

Urgent!  UBC is now starting a cruel study in which coyotes are being trapped in legholds and neck snares in order to wear radio collars.  These cruel traps can break a carrot in half.  

This video shows the padded leghold break a carrot in half! Please ask them to stop!

Please also reach out to the Anti Vivisection Society of BC.

Original letter from 2021

Stanley Park in Vancouver is home to many animals, including coyotes. We would like the Stanley Park to be temporarily closed to prevent more children being bitten, instead of killing the animals.  We would like the City of Vancouver to implement a feeding ban and put up educational signs.  We would also like any cases of humans being cruel to animals be prosecuted criminally. Unfortunately, the BC government has decided to kill coyotes in the park, instead of education and enforcement of provincial feeding bans. Killing coyotes is ineffective.  While the officers claim that these animals were too used to people, killing the animals never solved the real issue of people feeding wildlife.  People are still leaving out pet food for the coyotes. There have still been coyote bite complaints made in the park. There have also been rumours that people may have been feeding coyotes alcohol, or drugs like opioids.  This poisons the animals, alters the behaviour, and is animal cruelty. Any person who harms the animals should be charged with animal cruelty.  All animals who have been harmed by humans should be brought to a wildlife rehabilitation centre for treatment.  No human has been seriously hurt; all bites were to clothes, the legs or bottom.  Only a few incidents involved a person walking; all others involved a person running, scootering, or jogging.  We would like the conservation officers to stop killing animals, and instead work with organizations like to use only non lethal approaches to wildlife.  Hazing has, for the most part been working.  Hazing only fails when people continue to feed animals and/or the wrong methods of hazing are used.  For animals who truly need to be removed for everyone's safety, we would prefer non lethal capture and soft relocation to a wild place, or relocation to a legitimate captive sanctuary.  In August, the City of Toronto used dart capture and relocation to Aspen Valley Wildlife Centre for Urban 23, the human fed coyote in Pine Hills Cemetery.

Update #53 jaar geleden
VICTORY!!! The Vancouver Parks Board implemented a $500 fine for feeding wildlife! The traps are gone, and two people were arrested by Conservation Officers for allegedly feeding coyotes. (Their car was impounded too). This suggests a change in attitude, as people, rather than coyotes, are blamed for the conflict. Thank you signers!
Update #43 jaar geleden
URGENT! All the coyotes are being killed! Please write to Vancouver Park Board and the Province of British Columbiaand ask them to stop the slaughter!!
Update #33 jaar geleden
Animal cruelty is an issue in Canada’s election. It is rumoured that animal cruelty is one cause of the human coyote conflict in Stanley Park. Any person who harms the animals should be charged with animal cruelty. All animals who have been harmed by humans should be brought to a wildlife rehabilitation centre for treatment.
Update #23 jaar geleden
Four more were killed this month! Please continue to sign!
Update #13 jaar geleden
There have only been minor incidents, with the latest small incident this week. All have been attributed to feeding animals, and all occurred in the dark.
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petitie tekenen


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