Helpless little dog, cornered and shot down by aggressive cop!

This cowardly crime by the cops must stop! The little dog wasn't doing anything wrong! He had stopped, when the cop called him, turned around and looked at the cop without moving! The cop acted like he was in Vietnam stalking the enemy and when he saw the enemy, (the dog), he just fired constantly until the dog was shot and killed!

Obviously the cop hates dogs or is a sadist and is afraid of any size dog! What he did was wrong and like anyone else who commits this atrocity, he must be punished, whether it be by firing him and/or by putting him in jail and fining him!

I thought the cops were supposed to wear cameras to stop such crimes, but even with proof, no matter who took the picture, the justice system in Texas, is a big fat joke!

Please sign this petition and stop further incidents like this from happening to our helpless, innocent, voiceless animals! Your pet could be next!

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