Exxon must be held accountable for misleading the public on climate change!

  • van: Left Action
  • ontvanger: Exxon and Public Officials

A bombshell new study revealed that Exxon climate scientists – since the 1970s – correctly predicted rising global temperatures due to the burning of fossil fuels. Their predictions even matched or surpassed the accuracy of some projections made by independent scientists!

That means Exxon knew the full extent of the effects of burning fossil fuels. Their own scientists warned that continuing to burn fossil fuels would lead to "catastrophic" and "irreversible" consequences. And then Exxon executives decided to intentionally cover it up and downplay the risks for decades.

These new revelations could help strengthen lawsuits against Exxon for covering up their knowledge of the impending climate crisis we're now living through. We must hold Exxon accountable for the damage they have done and for intentionally misleading the public.

Sign the petition: Exxon must be held accountable for misleading the public on climate change!

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