• van: Jeffrey K
  • ontvanger: Nickelodeon, Netflix, ViacomCBS, Paramount+

Recently, Nickelodeon has been getting in the business of bringing back some of their older shows. They've already revived Hey Arnold! as a TV movie as well as Double DareAll That, Are You Afraid of the Dark?, and Blue's Clues for a whole new generation. Soon to be back on the network is Rugrats. With all of this going on, how about we try to resurrect one Nicktoon that probably never got the success that it deserved?

My Life as a Teenage Robot followed the adventures of XJ-9, better known as Jenny Wakeman, a robot girl who attempts to juggle her duties of protecting Earth while trying to live a normal teenage life. The series ran for three seasons, yet suffered the worst with poor advertising, limited and inconsistent time-slots, non-sequential airing of episodes, and years between seasons that were basically sitting in storage (completed). With its creative storylines, beautiful yet simple art styles, sophisticated humor, and potential for high drama, the story of Jenny Wakeman deserves its own continuation. With TV movie revivals of Rocko's Modern Life and Invader Zim achieving success on Netflix, maybe the streaming service should look into either a new season or a TV movie for My Life as a Teenage Robot.

Update #23 jaar geleden
HEY ARNOLD! creator Craig Bartlett mentioned in a 2019 interview that Nickelodeon is planning to get their RUGRATS reboot off the ground and see it how does first before deciding what to do next regarding their animated properties. Please keep on signing and/or sharing this petition to let everyone at Nick/ViacomCBS know how much we want this show to make a comeback.
Update #15 jaar geleden
Nickelodeon and Netflix have set a multi-year output deal for films and TV series. The output arrangement will yield original animated feature films and TV series based on existing Nickelodeon library characters as well as newly created ones.

Please keep on signing and/or sharing this petition to let both companies know how much we want this show to make a comeback.
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