If you haven't already heard, the koala is hanging on by a thread. The marsupial's population has been declining for decades, but the recent drought and fires in the states of Queensland and New South Wales have put even more pressure on the species.
Some experts have gone so far as to say that koalas are functionally extinct in much of their historic region. This new project could help change that. Sign in support of a protected koala habitat. Recently, the Koala Advisory Council proposed setting up "Koala Priority Areas" around South-east Queensland. The proposal suggests
setting aside more than 570,000 hectares where the animals could move freely without having to go through developed areas. This is vital as koalas are often killed by cars when they attempt to cross busy roads.
As you have no doubt read in previous petitions, we are coming dangerously close to the point of no return when it comes to saving the koala.
In Southeast Queensland alone, the koala population has plummeted by as much as 80% in the last two decades. It's no wonder they've been dying out: 75% of their habitat has been destroyed. These are almost irreversible numbers.But if we act fast, we could turn things around for one of Australia's most beloved animals.
The Koala Advisory Council proposal will go to a public comment period, and then it will be up to Queensland officials to make it a reality.
We must make sure this happens.
Please sign the petition and tell Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk and Queensland Environment Minister Leeanne Enoch that you support the creation of the proposed "koala priority areas." And if you live in Queensland, be sure to send in your comment.