In 1972, the Clean Water Act was passed by congress to put in place safeguards to protect the integrity and health of all "waters of the United States"; however, court rulings under the Bush administration narrowed the scope of the Clean Water Act, reducing protection for 20 million wetland acres and two million stream miles in the United States. On March 25, 2014, the EPA and Army Corps of Engineers proposed a new rule that would restore protection for all tributaries of waters protected under the original Clean Water Act, as well as all wetlands, lakes, and other natural bodies of water near the floodplains of these tributaries.
In the decade following the Bush administration's reduced interpretation of the CWA, irreversible damage has already taken its toll on America's wetlands. For the first time since the 1980s, the anual loss of wetlands in the US is on the rise. It is absolutely essential that what remains of these vital ecosystems are safeguarded from further destruction. A 2012 poll revealed that 79% of hunters and anglers are in favor of restoring the Clean Water Act protections.
Despite the dire need to restore protection to America's waterways, Minnesota senator Amy Klobuchar was just one of five Democrats who voted in favor of a budget plan that would limit the EPA's definition of "Waters of the United States" so it excludes ponds, ditches, and stormwater systems. This would drastically endanger the isolated ponds and wetland areas in Minnesota's prairie pothole region, an internationally recognized area for migratory waterfowl. We urge Senator Klobuchar to reconsider her stance on the Clean Water Ruling to ensure that all of Minnesota's vital water ecoystems are protected for generations to come.
Senator Klobuchar,
I am writing to you in regards to your stance on the Clean Water Act. Clean water is a vital part of Minnesota’s resources to the communities that make up this great state. Small streams and wetlands provide most of the water for our larger river systems and are vital to the health of our overall watersheds. Failing to protect them endangers our state’s unique water systems like Lake Mille Lacs, the Boundary Waters, the Red River and the Mighty Mississippi. It has been understood that your choice to vote against the modern updates of the Clean Water Act were in part due to ensuring that the final rule to strike the right balance between protecting waters and meeting the needs of Minnesota's farmers and rural communities. Senator Al Franken has stated that “This bipartisan legislation will clarify that the Clean Water Act was not intended to regulate storm water runoff on forest roads and allow state and local governments and private forest landowners to continue successfully managing Minnesota forests.” Furthermore I have a couple of questions I would like you to answer:
· Would you please clarify and expand on the specific issues you have within the draft proposals? Specifically what do you feel needs to be added or deducted?
· How would the current draft proposal specifically impact one of Minnesota’s greatest resources, the Mississippi River? What about after your adjustments?
I urge you Senator Klobuchar to help make sure the EPA’s Waters of the U.S. rulemaking can move forward and to oppose effects to silence the voices of the hundreds of thousands of Americans who have already commented in support of these changes.
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