More MEGAMIND, please!

  • van: Nora Salisbury
  • ontvanger: Fans of MEGAMIND and the good folks at DREAMWORKS.

If we want Dreamworks to give us a sequel to Megamind, we have to impress upon them that holding out on us will impact their pockets.  This petition will spell that out for them in no uncertain terms.  We insist that they at least confirm that a sequel is being made or we will halt all money flow generated by other Dreamworks properties.

Click the "petition" tab above to read the text of the message to Dreamworks.

We declare ourselves to be die-hard fans of Megamind, and we pledge that until Dreamworks officially confirms that they are making a sequel to Megamind (with a target year of release) we will not spend a single dollar on any other Dreamworks products.

We will not pay to see other Dreamworks movies in the theatre, and we will not buy character branded merchandise or home video of other projects except for used in the secondary market.

We will only funnel money to Dreamworks through Megamind related things.  If they license more Megamind toys (De-Gun, Invisible car, Jet Cycle, Disguise Generator Watch, large talking Megamind to go with the Minion already made, and more Roxanne toys, for starters ... and how about Valentines that actually show them as a couple?) or other merchandise (books, posters, pins, clothes etc), we will happily throw money at Dreamworks by the fistful.

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