Riverlake Shores HOA, TX - Allow Girl to Keep Her Pet Pig

  • van: SUE LEE
  • ontvanger: Riverlake Shores HOA in Montgomery County, TX

Please sign and share this petition nationwide in an effort to help this young girl keep her pig and not have to give it up. This animal have been a regular member of her family and their local HOA is asking for her to relocate her pet. Let us ban together to help this youngster keep and care for her beloved pig.

When Emily and her mother Karina moved into the Riverlake Shores subdivision, they have been in a fight to be able to keep their pig. Currently they have to keep the animal at a different location, taking a lot of Emily's time to care for, bond and train her pig. Originally, the HOA approved the family pet as long as they built a pen sufficient to keep it in. Now they are requesting other improvements they did not state initially when approving the animal's presence on the property.

Emily's mom Karina stated that they did abide by the requirements to build a sufficient pen for the pig. But now she says they're requiring them to build a berm around that pen and make other improvements they feel are unnecessary. The HOA says they have concerns about the pig's proximity to a waterway which runs very close to where the pen is located, as well as environmental concerns. Yet they say they not opposed to FFA animals being kept in the neighborhood under the right conditions. The family feels they have the right conditions agreed upon when first moving to the subdivision.

It is difficult to make a family separate from a pet they love and have committed to care for, and the HOA should work with them that allows them to keep their pig in the agreed-upon pen at their home. Please sign and share this petition nationwide in an effort to help this young girl keep her pig and not have to give it up. This animal have been a regular member of her family and their local HOA is asking for her to relocate her pet. Let us ban together to help this youngster keep and care for her beloved pig.


Riverlake Shores HOA in Montgomery County, TX - Please reconsider your decision not to allow Emily Fotheringham and her mother Katrina Burgess to keep their beloved pet pig. Originally the family was approved in keeping the animal after providing a pen for it and now you have changed those requirements beyond your initial rules. Please work with the family and allow them to keep their pig safely and properly cared for in its own, clean appropriate pen.

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petitie tekenen


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