Reinstate the Tony Award Categories for Sound Design Now!

  • van: John Gromada
  • ontvanger: American Theatre Wing Tony Administration Committee

On Wednesday, the Tony Awards Committee hastily decided to eliminate the awards for best sound design -- awards that many of my fellow sound designers and I lobbied to have created in 2007. No direct explanation was given, but reports following the decision say it was partially due to sound design being more of a "technical" craft rather than an art form.

On the contrary, c The American Theatre Wing should continue to honor excellence in sound design as it does for scenery, costume and lighting design, and as it has done since 2008. Sound designers are an important part of the theatrical community whose vital contributions cannot be ignored or dismissed. Tell the committee to reverse this decision now!c

Dear Tony Adminstration Committee,

The American Theatre Wing should continue to honor excellence in sound design as it does for scenery, costume and lighting design, and as it has done since 2008. Sound designers are an important part of the theatrical community whose vital contributions cannot be ignored or dismissed. Please reverse this decision now!

Signed by the 32,495 names that follow.

Update #37 jaar geleden
Good news! On Monday, the Tony Awards announced they are reinstating the sound design categories for the 2017-2018 season. Thanks to you and more than 32K others, our collective voices were heard! As with every successful theatrical venture, this was a true collaboration among many who worked diligently in various and mostly invisible ways. Thanks to the Admin Committee for hearing us and working out a solution, and to everyone who did their part to promote understanding.
Update #29 jaar geleden
At this morning’s announcement of the Tony noms, sound design was conspicuous by its absence. But rather than sit home on the evening of June 7th and feel left out of the party, we’ve decided to throw our own. We're hosting a Tony Night bash to celebrate sound design and all our collaborators who have supported us. The Collaborator Party, as it we’re calling it, will be held at a NYC beer hall and will be a fun night of food, fellowship, beer, and more. See
Update #110 jaar geleden
Thank you so much for signing our petition asking for the Tony sound design categories to be reinstated. Because of you we rapidly garnered nearly 28,000 signatures! BUT we still have no response from the Tony Admin Committee. Help us get one by posting the link to this petition on your Facebook wall, tweeting it and sending it your friend via email. Help us get to 30,000 and beyond! Follow us at

John Gromada
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