Gordon Street - Save Ward 6 Green areas from Destruction !

My habitat is set to be destroyed by developments happening all Along Gordon St.


1242-1260 Gordon St and 220 Arkell Rd developments are encroaching on the Torrence Wetland and a significant Woodland area. These developments are part of several, ongoing developmnets set to be built around the conservation and wetland area of Gordon St and Arkell Rd.  The negatice impacts include traffic congestion, noise, more than 1000 trees lost, risk to a bat colony, and numerous birds and amphibians that are at risk of losing their habitat. The winter deer pass will be compromised and might force the deer out of their natural habitat. Desert Forest.

If you care, please sign and share this petition

thank you

Update #24 jaar geleden
Hello Guelphites - Only two weeks left until we present this petition to City Council, please share !! Thank you!
Update #14 jaar geleden
Hello, we are 500 strong!, Thank you for signing and sharing and please continue sharing, we will present this petition September 10 as the council has a meeting setup Sept 14 to discuss this project - Please sign, share and participate, write against this project to: clerk@guelph.ca, reference: Oppose to 1246-1260 Gordon St. project
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