Tell Uber to Drop Leather Seat Requirement for Luxury Rides!

Uber's ride-sharing program has exploded in popularity, and now they're offering qualified drivers with higher-end vehicles to join Uber SELECT. Uber SELECT, an alternative to Uber BLACK, charges more than a standard UberX ride, but vehicles have to meet certain standards to live up to the advertised luxury experience. Qualifying cars must be high-end sedans, and can seat up to four passengers. They are also required to have leather seats.

Luxury and compassion should not be mutually exclusive. As vegetarians know, many comfortable and stylish leather alternatives not only exist, but are sought after. Forcing Uber SELECT drivers to carry leather seats supports animal cruelty and excludes compassionate passengers who want a luxury experience. Please sign the petition to urge Uber to drop its requirement for leather seats in their Uber SELECT cars - provide a "vegan option" that allows consumers and drivers to choose!

We, the undersigned, are concerned with your requirement for leather seats in your luxury Uber SELECT vehicles.

Luxury and compassion should not be mutually exclusive. As vegetarians know, many comfortable and stylish leather alternatives not only exist, but are sought after. Forcing Uber SELECT drivers to carry leather seats supports animal cruelty and excludes compassionate passengers who want a luxury experience. We respectfully urge you to drop the requirement for leather seats in your Uber SELECT cars and to provide a "vegan option" that allows consumers and drivers to choose cars without leather. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider our petition.

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