Shark Finning is the barbaric process of slicing the fins of a shark whilst it is still living, here are some facts that result from shark finning:
- Over 80 million sharks are killed every year for their fins.
- Shark populations have decrease by around 95% since the 1970s.
- Only 5% of the shark's body is actually used, the rest is thrown back into the sea as waste.
- Shark Fin Soup can be sold for up to $300 a bowl.
Sharks are being slaughtered at a faster rate than they can reproduce - making th process unsustainable and wasteful - and so some of the major sharks species could be facing extinction. If these predators go extinct then it will have a disastorous effect on the oceanic food chain as sharks are one of the top predators as well as damaging the marine ecosystem as a whole.
Shark Fin Soup is often used as a natural medicine and is the sole cause for Shark Finning as it can be sold at a very expensive price which means that the Shark Finning industry could potentially be a multi-billion dollar one, however, although many often claim that Shark Fin Soup d is venficial for your health it has little proven nutriotional value. Please help Stop Shark Finning and the Sale of Shark Fin Soup.