Save the Salt Pond Blueberry Barrens

A Kennebunk developer has purchased the Salt Pond blueberry barrens in Blue Hill and has requested permission to build a 9-house subdivision on the site.

Anyone who has ever driven up Rte 172 from Deer Isle, Brooklin, Sargentville, Sedgwick, or anywhere else on this Peninsula has felt a thrill as you top the rise, enter Blue Hill, and look out at the panorama before you. This is no ordinary field: It was one of the featured sites in the Hancock and Washington Counties' Downeast Coastal Scenic Inventory!

And it's not merely the scenic beauty that is at risk. There are important questions about the impact this might have on the wildlife, aquaculture, fishing, and water quality on the Salt Pond and in Carleton Stream.

On Wednesday, August 14th, the Blue Hill Planning Board is holding a public hearing to review the proposal. The Board is a careful, deliberative body, and does not rubber stamp developers' proposals.

We need the Board to understand what this site means to the people who live here. It's no exaggeration to assert that this subdivision would wreck one of the landmark vistas on the Peninsula. There will be no going back. This site deserves to be preserved.

Please – Sign this Petition -- and, if you can, please attend the Blue Hill Planning Board meeting – no matter where you live – at Blue Hill Town Hall, 5:30pm, on Wednesday, August 14th to show your support!

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