Stop Spain's Fire Bull Fiesta

  • van: Nyack Clancy
  • ontvanger: President of the Government of Spain, Mariano Rajoy Brey
A roped bull has flaming torches attached to its horns in events across Spain, known as Fire Bull Fiestas, or El Toro Jubilo, or Toro de Fuego, ("bull on fire").

This brutal spectacle can last up to 40 minutes for the entertainment of the village town square, as the terrified animal tries to escape it's own head on fire, and dodge bonfires, as it is tormented by spectators with loud firefrackers exploding.

Thousands of animals across Spain are killed in these "fiestas" every year; the bulls come from the same farmers that support the bullfighting industry.

Can setting a live bull on fire for entertainment be considered anything other than sadistic, barbaric animal cruelty? Ban this torture from Spain permanently.


President of the Government of Spain, Mariano Rajoy Brey

A roped bull has flaming torches attached to its horns in events across Spain, known as Fire Bull Fiestas, or El Toro Jubilo, or Toro de Fuego, ("bull on fire").

This brutal spectacle can last up to 40 minutes for the entertainment of the village town square, as the terrified animal tries to escape it's own head on fire, and dodge bonfires, as it is tormented by spectators with loud firefrackers exploding.

Thousands of animals across Spain are killed in these "fiestas" every year; the bulls come from the same farmers that support the bullfighting industry.

Can setting a live bull on fire for entertainment be considered anything other than sadistic, barbaric animal cruelty? Ban this torture from Spain permanently.


President of the Government of Spain, Mariano Rajoy Brey

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