Tell this company that It is not OK to steal donations from our Animal Welfare organization

Mondo Cane Animal Wefare Society needs your help to get our money back!

We saved up through hard earned donations, and bought two shipping containers in January of 2014, which are desperately needed to be modified and insulated for use as kennels for our shelter during the upcoming very harsh winter season.

Without them our animals will suffer and some will possibly perish.

We have no other source of funds to provide an alternate solution, especially not before fall begins, which is the latest we can begin preparations if we will be prepared for the cold, windy and damp island winter.

One container was delivered the other one was not.

Finally the company agreed to refund us for the missing container on July 11th, as of today August 20th, no refund has being processed.

We need this in order to keep caring for the animals in our shelter.

We have posted the agreement we have with this company on our facebook page as well as all e-mails exchange. Feel free to take a look and comment on it:

To view our shelter click here.

Please sign the petition to request that the refund be process without any further delay.

Update #110 jaar geleden
Tell this company it is not OK to steal hard earned donations!

Our rescued animals need these funds.

Help us get our money back, please share with your friends.
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