What kind of human being would tie a stone to a dog's neck and try to drown her?
Add your name if you want the people who did this to pay the price!
"Bella, a Belgian Shepherd, was found exhausted and struggling to stay afloat in the River Trent in Newark on Monday, January 6.
"A man and a woman have appeared in court after being accused of trying to drown a dog.
"Leigh Johnson, 32, and Charlene Latham, 31, have now appeared at Notitngham Magistrates Court after both were jointly charged with an offence under the Animal Welfare Act 2006," reported Lincolnshire Live.
Imagine the terror that poor Bella must have experienced.
All she wanted to do was give these wicked people her love.
And how did they repay her?
By trying to kill her, in one of the most brutal ways possible.
People this cruel aren't going to just stop abusing animals of their own accord.
They have to be banned from ever owning animals again, for life.
That's why we're calling on the British government to take real action to prevent animal abuse, by banning criminals like Leigh Johnson and Charlene Latham from ever owning an animal again.
The Animal Welfare (Sentencing) Bill 2019-20 was presented to Parliament in February of 2020, sponsored by Chris Loder MP.
We're asking him to lead a movement in Parliament that would make this happen.
It doesn't matter what country you live in. Your signature can still make a difference.
Don't you want to stop people like them from doing unspeakable things to animals, such as tying a rock to a dog's neck and trying to drown it?
Then add your name to ask Chris Loder to introduce legislation that would ban convicted animal abusers from ever owning a pet again!