Demand action to ban the sale/use of anti-freeze unless it contains a bitterant.

The most common cause of death in more than 200,000 pets, is due to Ethylene Glycol poisoning* – the deadly ingredient in anti-freeze. The figures also show that 90% of cats that swallow antifreeze will die as a result.

“Ethylene Glycol is highly toxic and because of its sweet taste it is especially appealing to pets but just one teaspoon is enough to kill a cat and a tablespoon will kill a dog. If an accidental spill occurs and a pet either drinks or walks through the antifreeze and then licks their paws it can kill them. We have also seen cases where pets have been intentionally poisoned with food that has been soaked in antifreeze. However, these cases could be prevented if antifreeze wasn’t sweet tasting and included bittering agents.”

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