Stop using pigs at the Taiwan anual festival

Pigs of God is a controversial Taiwanese festival and contest where pigs that have been force-fed for years are publicly slaughtered, then put on floats and paraded through the city streets.
Getting a pig ready to enter the Pigs of God festival takes up to two years. During this period of time animals are constantly force-fed to a point where they are incapable of standing. This kind of procedure is both psychologically and physically damaging to the pigs, who often suffer from organ failure and pressure sores caused by lying down for long periods of time. Some owners castrate the pigs without anesthesia, in the belief this will help them get even fatter, and then pen them down so they cannot move.
The pigs often exceed 700 kilograms in weight, and there have been reports of some weighing around 900 kilos, which is just disturbing…

Please, join this fight for animal rights.

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