Republicans will try to pass legislation seeking to turn over our National Forest, National Parks , Wetlands and any other Public Land to the states that these places exist in so they can " better " manage them. You know just like how Idaho and Montana are managing wolves ! What many of these Western States have declared already is that they would SELL off big tracts of these Parks and Forest for " development ".
It is time for EVERYONE to pay attention to what these politicians are doing to OUR country and practically everyone should sign this petition
President Obama, you have succeeded in bringing the price of gas down with all the land that you have opened up for fracking . Please do not let them take our Federal Parks , Forest and public land and give it to these states . It was Federal tax dollars that paid for them . It is our tourism and Tax dollars that maintain them.Do not let them overutrn what has stood in this country since Teddy Roosevelt, Places of wilderness set aside for all to enjoy.

Update #19 jaar geleden
Now the U.S. Congress has their own version of the Senates Sportsman Act and it is far worse. In case you are not aware of what the Sportsman Act is, let me explain a few of the MAJOR things it will do. It will allow Hunting and Trapping inside many of our National Parks and National Monument areas. It will allow vast chunks of Wilderness areas, Wildlife Refuge areas, grasslands and National Parks to be sold or leased to Private companies for development or commercialization!
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