Stop Navy ships from dumping their trash into the ocean!

US Navy ships dump all their trash into the beautiful oceans they sail. This includes plastic, chemicals, furniture and other harsh materials. They literally grab all their trash and throw it overbord in the middle of the night. It even has a name, "Trash Call". The navy has almost 300 ships, if they do this at least once a week, how much trash is being dumped per year? 

When I first heard about this I was completly shocked and ofcourse turned to google for more information! All I found where a few articles, mostly from 1991. It is impossible that no one has talked about this issue! What a surprise...the government hiding things again! 

You claim to be the world's greatest Navy but then pollute the worlds oceans in this way? Doesnt make much sense to me! Civilians get fined up to $1000 for litering but the Navy can use the ocean we all share as a trash bin...What hypocrisy!

I wish I had more information but this is really all I have for now...hopefully together we can really find out whats going on and stop it!!!!!!

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