JUSTICE For Vucko!

  • van: SOS Sarajevo
  • ontvanger: The Chairman of the Council of Ministries of BIH-Dr Nikola Spiric.

This a genuine petition which will be delivered to Bosnian & Herzegovinan goverment.The perpetrators of this heinous act stuffed fireworks in Vucko's mouth! He sustain serious injuries to both his muzzle & nose region. Left for dead on the streets of Sarajevo for 5 days, he was finally euthanized by local veterinarians.

Sadly, acts of cruelty against dogs are an everyday occurrence in Bosnia, a country struggling to rebuild itself since the 1992 civil war. Up until 2009 no animal  protection laws existed.

Since then, Bosnia's cantonal and local authorities have struggled to consistently apply these laws. Their indifference to the problem reinforces a public perception that ANIMALS DO NOT MATTER. With a burgeoning stray cat & dog problem, reports of animal cruelty, dog hunts, poisonings, dumping of animals, are still commonplace.

Vucko's death must not go unnoticed! Please sign this petition so that this matter can be brought to the attention of the Chairmen of the Council of Ministries of BIH-Nikola Spiric.

Please consider writing a personnel email to the Chairrperon

Dear Sir,

We the undersigned of  "Justice For Vucko Petition" request that the Bosnian and Herzegovinan goverment and Sarajevo authorities investigate the matter of the dog named Vucko, whom was brutally attacked and maimed.

News reports indicate youths taped fireworks within the dog's mouth and ignited them. The impact of the explosion resulted in extensive mutilation to the dog's jaw, nose and muzzle region. The extent of the dog's injuries resulted in it being euthanized.

Therefore, we request that the perpetrators of this crime be brought to justice under the Bosnia and Herzegovina Animal Welfare Protection Act 2009 pursuant to Article 3- " Prohibition of killing and torture."  In which it is prohited to inflict pain, suffering, harm, or torture to an animal.

This incident has sparked a global outcry we look to the Bosnian and Herzegovinan justice system and authorities to apply the law consistently.  

Thank-you for taking the time to read this letter.

[Your name here]

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