Here's Molly's story.. I honestly can not take any criticism right now, I am going through enough, so either help me or let it be.. PLEASE
Last Tuesday night I was at the gym. my son called me saying I needed to get home cus Molly got out the gate and into a fight with some other dogs. So I rush home to the animal control there and a guy holding his 2 chihuahuas in towels, my first thought was did she kill those dogs? I had no idea what was going on but I wanted to make sure the guys dogs was ok. He said he was taking them to the vet and didn't know. Well I talked to the animal control lady and her understanding was that Molly got over the fence and ran up to the dogs and there was a fight. I told her I wasn't giving up my dog unless she could show me some paperwork that I would get her back. She showed me the handbook on placing animals under quarantine and I would be able to pick Molly up on the 10th day as long as she didn't have rabies. I let my dog go with them not knowing that's the last time she'd be ours. I asked my son what happened and he said he let the dogs out to go to the bathroom and that guy was walking his dogs, they all started barking at each other and Molly was jumping up on the fence, her belly got stuck and she fell over and ran up to the dogs, she heard Molly cry and then they was all fighting and everyone panicked. I asked my son how they got Molly off the dogs and back to the house. He said he called her name and she came running back to him and he put her inside. So at first I'm like wth did she snap? This makes no sense I've had her for 4 years, I raised her , she has never shown any aggression, she's been attacked 3 times and still loves playing w other animals. When my son told me she came back I knew she didn't just attack those dogs, I've seen her attacked 3 times and it was a fight to get the other dog off her, she would have not stopped just because he called her name. So that made sense she got over the gate and probably ran up to check them out and maybe they got scared and snapped at Molly and she just defended herself. This is just how dogs are unfortunately it's the difference in sizes that make it dangerous. And I'm pretty sure Molly thinks she's a lap dog anyways lol
Well the next morning the owner of the dogs knocked on the door and had his vet bill, I asked how his dogs are and he said they decided to put one down, she had a spinal injury and the surgery's she was going to have was to much and she was 11 yrs so he decided to let her go. I cried and hugged him so hard, this poor man! I asked him what exactly happened he said he was walking his dog like he does every day and just like every day since my dog has been there they all have a barking match, he said my dog was jumping on the gate and tumbled over it and attacked his dogs. We talked awhile about his bill and he said he had to pay 658$ before he could leave the vet, I told him that I will make sure I pay that back as soon as I possibly can. He asked for my landlords information and I told him I would have to get that info from the girl I am staying w cus I just moved in a week ago and I'm only staying til I find a place. I took the kids to school and when I returned my landlord was there (he's working on the vacant duplex) and so was the owner of the other dogs. I was surprised he came back and at the same time the landlord was there. I got out and went and talked to them and his whole demeanor changed from what it had been w me that morning. He told the landlord that pit was out to kill, she jumped right over that fence and was out for his dogs blood, she was not trying to play she wanted to kill. All I could say is this makes no sense I know my dog , I was still in shock, I'm still in shock.
Well the landlord kicked me out and evicted the girl I was staying with saying she allowed this in her house. Before I came to stay we asked the landlords for permission and they knew I had a dog, I didn't mention she was a pit of course but since he had been over there working On the other place he had seen her and the wife had mentioned it to my friend, she said that her insurance will not cover a pit and she is nervous about it but she said it's fine because it's only a couple of months, the next day I talked to the husband asking him if he would like me to check Into maybe me getting some private insurance on her to help ease their mind, he said the same thing that it was ok because it was only a couple months. So that was a bullshit situation in its own but anyways
Animal control now said since the one dog was put down that the head of counsel would make a decision in 2 days and then send me a letter
Well I waited a week and I called asking what is going on and why do I not have an answer yet. Steve from animal Control called me back and asked for me to come in and talk to him about what happened before he made his decision. So I went in the next day to hear him say they decided to classify her as a vicious dog and put her down. I tried to tell him my side but he strictly went off only what that guy had said, every time I tried to plea my case he just shut me down and kept putting the paper in front of me telling me I have 10 days to appeal it.
So this is where I am at now
I went to see her today because I want to go every day because I don't know if one of these days will be the last one. But they told me that if I showed up they was supposed to call animal control and have a officer back there w me, wtf so when they was calling AC a lawyer called me and I was explaining the story and they heard. They couldn't get ahold of AC so they decided to let me go back anyways, it was very nice of them!
Now I know my dog and I know she did not attack those dogs, this was just a terrible accident and she don't deserve to die she is a good dog and is happy and has a good home and we love her and this can not really be happinging
I'm also wondering if this guy is not out for money by sueing the landlords. Because his story around them was different than when it was him talking to me, my sons story is the same as what he told me. But he can't win a case unless Molly attacked. The reason I think this is because he said he was on disability and how much they was struggling so having to pay the vet was a big set back (and I get that) but the thing is he said the vet bill was 658, come to find out it was only 290, so he tried to get me for almost 300$, then him asking for my landlords info so quick I bet he is trying to sue them and that's why they are pissed and kicked her out. Idk I'm not trying to blame him but I'm just looking at all things possible. Also Molly didn't actually cause the death he put his dog down, I know it doesn't justify it and he lost his dog and it's horrible but I know myself I could never put Molly down if there was something that could be done to fix her. And a spinal injury? Maybe Molly stepped on her, if she was attacking there would be a lot of bites and there was some but nothing compared to any dog attack I've seen.
This was a terrible accident caused by natural dog instincts and it had an unfortunate ending, I feel selfish for wanting her to live when one dog died but I don't want her to die she don't deserve it. Help me please!!!!!!!
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