Demand Congress pass the bill to stop Republicans from trying to overturn ANOTHER presidential election!

  • van: OD Action
  • ontvanger: The United States Congress

An 1887 law is putting American democracy at risk, and if our legislators don't change it before the 2024 election – we could be in serious trouble. Disgraced ex-president Trump and his followers seem poised to abuse the Electoral Count Act in order to take hold of the next presidential term, should they not be elected democratically. 

It's an outdated law with extremely convoluted language, including a single sentence that is 275 words long that established what should happen on January 6th when votes are being counted. Senator Angus King said it was "one of the most confusing pieces of legislation [he has] ever read."

Add your name to demand Congress approve the proposed changes to the Electoral Count Act!

The convoluted make-up of the original legislation creates room for Trump's congressional lackeys to take advantage of the ambiguities – and they already tried after Biden's certification. After spending the past few years curating a foundation of election conspiracy, the 2024 election is even more at stake. The overhaul of the bill would make it clear that the Vice President does not have the power to deny an elector and ensure electors are unable to be appointed past Election Day. Proposed alterations also include providing more time for recounts, establishing judicial powers that can compare appointed electors to the state's popular vote, and eliminating room for unsupported objections– and every single change has the power to strengthen our Democracy from further attacks.

If the original Electoral Count Act is not corrected, Congress can choose the president instead of the American people regardless if there's proof of voter fraud. It's a ticking time bomb that must be defused immediately.

Sign your name and call for Congress to update and strengthen the Electoral Count Act before the 2024 election!

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