Straws Suck - End the use of plastic straws; Youngs & Fullers UK pubs!

  • van: Amelia P
  • ontvanger: Simon Emeny CEO Fullers & Patrick Dardis CEO Youngs

It is thought 8.5bn plastic straws are used in the UK every year..

This is a petition to ask Youngs & Fullers pubs to stop using single use plastic straws and use a paper biodegradable alternative.

They both have over 700 pubs serving plastic straws which are thought to take up to 500 years to decompose.

They pollute landfills, rivers, roadsides, sewers, beaches and of course oceans. Most people have seen the video of the sea turtle with a straw stuck in his nostril - 

JD Wetherspoon has stopped automatically putting plastic straws in drinks, becoming the latest pub chain to put an end to the "wasteful" practice.
The pub chain says it will only use biodegradable paper straws from January 2018 in a move it claims will stop 70 million plastic straws entering landfill or making their way into the world's oceans each year.

Lets get Fullers and Youngs pubs to follow in their footsteps! 

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