help save 3 bear cubs whos mother was shot and thrown in the river.

  • van: Mindy Phypers
  • ontvanger: The Honorable Mary Polak, Minister for the Environment BC Canada Wes Shoemaker Deputy Minister

The British Columbia Ministry of the Environment has denied approval to rescue 3 orphaned bear cubs because the wildlife rescue organization with the proper equipement to capture these cubs is slightly further away than another outfit that does not have the equipement to help.
Here are the details. Please sign and share widely. Time is of the essence for these cruelly stranded cubs.

There is a very sad story unfolding in Lillooet BC. One week ago a mother bear got shot and killed in front of her 3 cubs. She was thrown in the river, the cubs scampered in a tree close by.
Northern Light Wildlife Centre has been contacted by the person who witnessed this all, since she knows they are able to rescue (trap, tranquilize ) cubs. They have  all the necessary permits to do so and also the equipment.
This has also been reported to the COS, but as we all know they are hopeless understaffed and have way to big areas to cover.
In order to rescue the cubs Northern Light had to get approval from the Ministry of Environment, but they have denied the permit and said the cubs had to go to Critter Care in Langley, just because it is closer.
I do not want with this to make Critter Care look bad in any way, but they are not able to rescue (trap or tranquilize) animals them self. The cubs are being left to die out there, since there is nobody there to catch them and the one's who can, are not allowed : HOW CRAZY IS THIS?
One of the 3 cubs has been shot in the mean time. Time is probably running short for the other 2, unless not somebody by the Ministry smartens up and overturns their decision. Northern Light from Smithers is the only agency with the expertice and equipement to come to rescue the cubs in time. They are ready and able. They just need permission. Please sign and share. or snd an e-mail directly

Honourable Mary Polak
Telephone: 250 387-1187
Fax: 250 387-1356

 WE the undersigned urge you to reverse the decision to deny aproval to Northern Light Wildlife Centre to capture and rescue 3  bear cubs orphaned near Lillooet BC.  Please be advised that the closer agency "Critter Care" in Langly lacks the ability to trap or safely trap or tranquilize these cubs.  Northern Light does have the equipement and also all other necessary permits and are standing ready waiting for approval of you aency.

Please prevent the needless death of these stranded cubs through bureaucratic confusion.

Thank you for your attention in this matter.

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