Closure of Puppy Farms

Please watch the Video, see what Puppies are suffering in these so called FARMS:

All across Australia dogs are being confined to cruel puppy farms (also knows as a puppy factory or puppy mill) and treated as nothing more than breeding machines, used to produce puppies for profit. These facilities operate under conditions that fail to meet the dogs’ behavioural, social and/or physiological needs. Puppies from these facilities can suffer from diseases and acute and chronic conditions and may also develop behavioural difficulties due to the conditions they were exposed to. 

What is a puppy farm?

A puppy farm (also known as a puppy factory or puppy mill) is defined as:

an intensive dog breeding facility that is operated under inadequate conditions that fail to meet the dogs' behavioural, social and/or physiological needs. Puppy farms are usually large-scale commercial operations, but inadequate conditions may also exist in small volume breeding establishments which may or may not be run for profit.  

Puppy farming is a major animal welfare issue in Australia. The main welfare problems associated with puppy farms include but are not limited to:

  • Extreme confinement - in some cases breeding animals may never be allowed out of their cage to exercise, play, socialise, have companionship or even to go to the toilet
  • Inadequate veterinary care and general care (grooming and parasite control)
  • Unhygienic living conditions
  • Inadequate and overcrowded housing conditions
  • Breeding dogs and puppies born in puppy farms often have long-term health and/or behavioural problems as a result of the poor conditions they are bred in and a lack of adequate socialisation.

Puppies from puppy farms may be sold via any avenue of sale such as the internet, newspaper ads, markets, carboot sales, pet shops or sometimes at the puppy farm itself. Puppy farms may also use a house as a 'shop front' to sell their animals from, so you don't get to see the appalling conditions they breed dogs in. We don't know exactly how many puppy farms there are in Australia as many puppy farms operate in highly remote areas and are unknown by authorities but with the advent of internet sales it is a growing national problem. RSPCA Inspectors have rescued dogs from puppy farms where hundreds of breeding females have been kept in cages in appalling conditions.

We do not want companion animals factory farmed anymore” and "We no longer want the pet industry to mislead us about what is acceptable for our animals”.

Abolish the factory farming of companion animals.

Ban the sale of companion animals from pets shops/online trading sites.

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petitie tekenen


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